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Co-learning in Architecture with the use of interactive hyperlinks

The example of pavilion “Folie Numérique” in Paris as virtual interactive educational environment

Maria Velaora, University Paris-8, Architect, PhD Candidate, National Technical University of Athens

This intellectual material describes the interactive project “Folie Numérique” made with Unity 3d and the @POSTASIS platform, inside the study engineering of the European project as member of the International Relationships Service (SERCI) of Paris 8 University. 
This seminar is proposed as an example of a larger methodology that aims to identify the relations between virtual and real space and is conducted in the laboratory of Architecture Maacc-Map, CNAM where the author is attached as PhD candidate. This exercise can be held as seminar of total 48 hours.
The virtual environment is a place of knowledge, interaction, play, exploration and discovery. We try to create the tools for the students of architecture to serve as tool for co-operative digital learning, creation and conception. The “virtual classroom” as theme can also be a digital tool to promote dialogue and cooperation during the design process as an open ground of expression during the educational process.

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