Here is the access point to @postasis platform. You may be interested to enter as a collaborator to a joint project, a creator of a new project, or as a visitor, in case there are running virtual exhibitions.
Collaborators to an existing joint project may register to the project at @postasis HOME (please, contact the project responsible first).
Creators wishing to start developing their own projects with @postasis platform, may find all relevant tools and documents below.
However, before starting your own project, it might be useful to take a look at the Creation of the world workshop here.
Latest version of the Apostasis Unity Framework (AUF).
AUF_Version 2.5 (new!)
(if you have worked with the previous version, you need to export and reimport to the new version what you have created)
A sample project with the AUF version 2.5 embedded, in order not to start from scratch.
Samle Project with Version 2.5
Manuals for @postasis programming framework
Apostasis Framework documentation (version 2.5)
User Manual 2.5
Internet-of-Things (IoT) manual for setting up your Arduino constructions to communicate with an @postasis multiuser virtual space.
IOT User Manual
Currently, there are no active virtual exhibitions. As soon as a virtual exhibition is opened, we will inform interested visitors on how to enter.
More information
For instructions and advise on how to take the first steps, you may contact Dr. Stavroula Zoi (voula.zoi@gmail.com).